About Arts and Culture East Devon (ACED)
Arts and Culture East Devon is a network connecting the creative communities of East Devon and provides a central platform to engage, promote and talk about arts and culture across the region.
Across towns and villages, along the seaside and in the rolling hills of our countryside parishes, East Devon has a thriving cultural scene, with many opportunities for local residents and visitors to get creative.
Culture can be made and shared by creative practitioners and artists, entrepreneurs and volunteers, community groups and businesses, local authorities and friends’ groups and many more. Culture is where creativity is shared with others.
About us
ACED is a public network for East Devon arts and cultural organisations and individuals. We define ‘Culture’ to mean all those areas of activity associated with the art forms and organisations in which Arts Council England invests: collections, digital and combined arts, dance, libraries, literature, museums, music, theatre, and the visual arts.
The ACED network first met in July 2021, initially via online meetings, delivered by Thelma Hulbert Gallery (THG). THG identified a genuine need for a central hub to support East Devon creatives in order to encourage wider collaboration across East Devon’s rich cultural scene.
The network was further strengthened in 2022 with a successful funding bid to the UK government through the Shared Prosperity Fund to commission a cultural strategy for East Devon District Council, working with local social, wellbeing, inclusion and economic development agendas. This led to the appointment of a Cultural Producer, Sarah Elghady, who is leading the ACED network.
- Provide support for professional and artistic development, enabling partnership
- Develop and promote local authority arts and culture-led economic growth initiatives
- Support advocacy work for local arts and culture services and identify areas for collaboration
- Share news, best practice, plans and ambitions – aiding communication between arts practitioners, arts organisations, non-arts organisations, local government and regional and national bodies
- Embed the role of the arts in the cultural, social, educational, environmental and economic life of the district
- Increase participation in cultural activity in the district, developing a healthy social and cultural ecology which engages and enriches communities
- Connect artists and practitioners with the potential work programmes that deliver the strategy and which can attract funding – through, for example, bids to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Arts Council England’s Cultural Development Fund
- Provide support for professional and artistic development, enabling partnership
- Develop and promote local authority arts and culture-led economic growth initiatives
- Support advocacy work for local arts and culture services and identify areas for collaboration
- Share news, best practice, plans and ambitions – aiding communication between arts practitioners, arts organisations, non-arts organisations, local government and regional and national bodies
- Embed the role of the arts in the cultural, social, educational, environmental and economic life of the district
- Increase participation in cultural activity in the district, developing a healthy social and cultural ecology which engages and enriches communities
- Connect artists and practitioners with the potential work programmes that deliver the strategy and which can attract funding – through, for example, bids to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Arts Council England’s Cultural Development Fund
We will build resilience of the creative and cultural sector by connecting, supporting and securing investment in local artists and practitioners, and attracting new investment.
Local community spirit drives much of our current cultural activity. This will be a strategy that empowers more local people to shape and get involved with culture at all stages of their lives, delivered with and for local people from all parts of the district.
Diversity & Inclusion
We will draw on and reflect the diversity of contemporary society and celebrate the variety of activity that takes place in East Devon, ensuring an inclusive approach and equality of opportunity.
Connection With Nature
East Devon has an abundance of opportunities to connect nature, culture, wellbeing and people in mutually beneficial ways. We will use culture and creativity to enhance, inspire and engage people, to support our goal of carbon neutrality by 2040 and help mitigate against the threats of climate change on our communities.
We will build resilience of the creative and cultural sector by connecting, supporting and securing investment in local artists and practitioners, and attracting new investment.
Local community spirit drives much of our current cultural activity. This will be a strategy that empowers more local people to shape and get involved with culture at all stages of their lives, delivered with and for local people from all parts of the district.
Diversity & Inclusion
We will draw on and reflect the diversity of contemporary society and celebrate the variety of activity that takes place in East Devon, ensuring an inclusive approach and equality of opportunity.
Connection With Nature
East Devon has an abundance of opportunities to connect nature, culture, wellbeing and people in mutually beneficial ways. We will use culture and creativity to enhance, inspire and engage people, to support our goal of carbon neutrality by 2040 and help mitigate against the threats of climate change on our communities.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Our ACED Champions have different specialisms and are here for you to provide sector updates and promote local opportunities.

East Devon Cultural Strategy
Our 10 year strategy aims to strengthen, promote and grow arts and culture in East Devon.