ACED Directory Member

Manor Gardens

Nearest Town: Exmouth

01404 515616

Manor Gardens

What do you do?

The Events team at East Devon District Council welcome applications for all types of events that take place in Manor Gardens. Situated in the centre of Exmouth, Manor Gardens are a popular Victorian style gardens contained within a wrought iron fence, making it the perfect location for events that wish to either charge an entrance fee or close the space to the general public. Perfect for garden parties, mini festivals, picnic in the park events and charity events.

One of the biggest attractions to the park is the large bandstand, used for festival performances, concerts, theatre performances and musical shows; this is available to hire all year round with the use of electricity and lights.

Who would you like to collaborate with?

Anyone wishing to organise an event on East Devon Council land.

for hire

with Manor Gardens
Manor Gardens currently has spaces available for hire. For more information, use the contact details provided below.