ACED Directory Member

Penny Roberts

Nearest Town: Ottery Saint Mary


Penny Roberts

What do you do?

I am an Artist, Illustrator and Educator, with an MA in Illustration from Falmouth University (2023). My practice has developed through being informed by my research into psychology, heritage and culture combined with immersion in nature. I explore and experiment with nature journaling which informs my mark making, visual language and chosen media.
My artwork brings together analogue and digital skills such as painting, photography, drawing, gold leaf/gilding as well experimental lensless photography techniques such as cyanotype.
I have recently taken a break from working in secondary education, most recently leading a high performing art and photography department to further expand my artistic practice and publish my work, I will continue to consult and advise art departments using my expert knowledge. Furthermore use my experience of working with young people, and as a mother, to underpin some of the concepts in my prints and illustrations in an effort to capture the humour and love between intergenerational relationships in modern society.

Who would you like to collaborate with?

Other artists, education establishments and anyone with a shared vision that art is a key part to what makes us human.